Crypto System project in Java | free projects form BCA, MCA, BTech Students with Source Codes

  JAVA Projects

Project Objective

Crypto system is responsible for encrypting the user’s data and provide a secure mechanism to store it in a virtual drive. This virtual drive will be created by the system for the particular user for the very first while using the system. This system will provide limited storage area where the data can be saved. As we can say that, it’s a cloud storage medium where data can be accessed from any location. This system will also enable you to synchronize your desktop or laptop while using this crypto system.

For implementing security mechanism, each user’s should have a valid login id and password and the verification of user’s account will be done through their valid email id.Upon accessing this crypto system, users can simply drag and drop their documents from their system to their virtual hard drive where it will take some time for encrypting the documents and process of encryption and decryption will depend upon the size of document and their type. User friendly interface has been provided, so that users can easily access all the provided features. It uses strong bit encryption mechanism and its virtual hard drive and easily loaded and unloaded at any location as per the user’s choice.

Existing System

Existing system was not able to perform the encryption procedure before saving the data to the virtual hard disk and it was not protected by the strong bit encryption mechanism. Simple drag and drop feature was not available under the existing system and to load these documents users were bound to use the browse method provided by the html browser. It was not able to perform validation checkup and displaying the type of data during uploading session. It was not able to create multiple virtual drive and can create single virtual drive only under the desktop or laptop and not to other removable media.

Proposed System

This new crypto system has been provided with all security check ups which can be performed while encryption and decryption of documents.Its validation and verification process will be done from the server side and display the information of various fields such as type of document loaded, its actual size, date and time under specified virtual drive. The admin of the documents will have the authority to set parameters for their various documents such as read, write along with advanced operations such as copy and paste the documents to other virtual drive location. Its strong bit encryption algorithm will make ensure that others will not able to hack or change their file attributes.

Hardware Specifications

    Main Memory:           64MB.
    MicroProcessor:           Pentium –III.
    Hard Disk Drive:           4.3 GB.
    Cache Memory :           512KB.

Software Specifications

    Operating System  :           Windows 98/NT.
    Front End  :           Java Using AWT/SWINGS
    Back End  :           File Streams


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