Linux Package Manager Project Idea Our goal is to introduce a Linux Package Manager Project for Source Code Installation in Linux distributions. This Package Manager would itself take care of maintenance of complete system, which so far has been a very cumbersome job for any administrator. This Linux Package Manager Project along with a Registry ..
Category : Projects Ideas
Online Voting System project Idea Problem Definition To develop an Online Voting System in which complete information regarding the voters is stored in the centralized database. The voter can vote for any candidate while sitting in the home. Proper security algorithms are implemented to stop any kind of active or passive attacks during voting. This ..
Online Time Sheet Final Year Project Idea Online Time Sheet Problem Definition To develop a Time sheet for the company wherein the employees can enter their working hours over the internet. Motivation Behind this Project Timeliness is the need of the hour and tracking the time, status and resources of a project is mandatory for ..
Network Based Image Retrieval System Project Problem Definition Design and implementation of a Network Based Image Retrieval System, which searches images from a large database in a network based on the image features such as color, texture and shape. Network Based Image Retrieval System Abstract Network Based Image Retrieval System is a computer-assisted system, which ..
Mobile Bluetooth Business and Social Networking To build a system that helps the people do business, make friends, enables them to handle emergency situations more easily in real time. Such a system will make the people aware of the people living around them enabling them for better opportunities in life. Technology Used in Mobile Bluetooth ..
Remote Grammar Updation Module Project Idea Remote Grammar Updation Module project using JSP Final Year project Based on the architecture of the a core system for machine assisted translation, the remote grammar updation module proceeds with the objective of translating English text into Hindi in a specified domain of Personnel Administration, specifically Gazette Notifications, Office ..
Context Based Search Engine Problem Definition for Context Based Search Engine Our project Context Based Search Engine is basically a research oriented project where we are required to understand the working of search engines such as google, msn etc and study the concepts of data mining and data warehousing and also to research on available ..
Prison Management System Web Solution for Auto Dealers Portal Application for Container Intermodal Industry Property letting Management System Content Management System and Services for Mobile client for Healthcare system Full-fledged MU2 Certified Electronic Medical Record System Patient Portal Application for real estate agents Trading Brokerage Platform Blogger System Golf Club Management System Work Process Management ..
Final Year PROJECT SYNOPSIS Project Definition “COVERT COMMUNICATION BETWEEN USING DIGITAL IMAGES” We have implemented the hiding of data in digital images in spatial domain ( Least Significant Bit (LSB)) and in transform domain (Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)). We have used Visual C++ to implement the LSB part and for the DCT we ..
Final Year PROJECT “DATA WAREHOUSE”: An Implementation ,Supporting Decision making And Report Generation We have implemented an interactive report generation that supports decision making for the client regarding there performance. Following is the architecture of the prototype that is being implemented: Tools used to implement this are as follows: 1. SQL SERVER 2000 Ent ..