Web Enabled Manufacturing Process in java| free projects form BCA, MCA, BTech Students with Source Codes

  JAVA Projects

Project Objective
It’s very difficult for any organization to use standalone customized software package especially for any manufacturing industry. Their industry location may varies as per their unit work, so to use same type of software and work of different modules does not favor the concept of organization which means achieving common goal. But with the help of web based manufacturing process system, it provides a platform to access the same system by different department through different locations. Web Enabled Manufacturing Process not only saves time in installation but also easy to use and maintenance work can be handled easily.

Its inbuilt different modules will help to work on various sections which are required under a particular organization. Even the admin panel has the authority to set the working modules as per their requirement by selecting proper options. Number of departments and authority for accessing their department by working members can be created by the admin and the type of work that can be performed by such departments. Employee’s information can be easily gained by selecting the departments or listing employees can be done. Scheduler has been integrated to begin or assign new task to a particular department by providing scratches and design which eliminates the need of travelling from one location to other.
Existing System

Previous Web Enabled Manufacturing Process system was not easy maintainable and different panels were not provided for achieving various tasks. All the managerial and administrative work were provided under single panel which is not always possible under real environment. There was no provision of configuring business processes and convert data from type to another type, so processing work has to be done on fixed parameters. There was no relationship between working modules, so duplication of data entry process occurs and due to lack of proper validation mechanism, it leads to data redundancy which decreases the processing time.

This new web enabled manufacturing system has been developed using the concept of three tier architecture. That means the use of MVC pattern and ORM framework will help to achieve all the task through integration of different modules. Through this web package many work can be achieved such as customer relationship management, human resource management, planning and scheduling, accounting, delivery status etc. To handle the ongoing business processes, the server will be at centralized location and can be accessed from different location through its domain name. As there will be a central database and server side validation and client side, a two way process will help to eliminate data redundancy problem.
Software Requirements

  •     Operating System : Windows 95/98/NT/2000
  •     Browser  : IE
  •     Web/Application Server : Java Webserver 2.0
  •     Database Server : Oracle 8i
  •     Database Connectivity : JDBC , Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle
  •     Other Tools & Technologies: Java (JDK), Servlets (JSDK), JavaMail

Hardware Requirements

  •     Pentium Min 233 Mhz
  •     64 MB Ram
  •     512 KB Cache Memory
  •     Hard Disk 4.3 GB
  •     Microsoft Compatible 101 or more keyBoard

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