Online Complain Management is a Web based project developed in PHP/MySQL which used to manage Customer’s complain Online. User can login, and Create complain, view complain details and track the status of its complain. It has one Admin module where Admin can login and View all complaint details, assign the complain to specific Engineer to ..
Tag : mca project free download
IT asset management is a simple project used to track stock of any organization’s IT assets. Any organization (specifically Institute, University etc) can use this project to take an inventory of their existing Hardware/software stocks. They can manage there vendors, categories and users and Labs. On Login, user will see a Dashboard which consists of ..
Download Source Code Here – emusic eMusic Library is a project developed in Java using Aqsa MVC framework to managed your digital music store. User can login/Register and create its own music library, add songs, request to upload songs to administrators. If he/she add any song, then admin can view and approved it. Most importantly, ..
Download Source Code – Complain-Management-System Online Complain Management is a Web based project developed in PHP/MySQL which used to manage Customer’s complain Online. User can login, and Create complain, view complain details and track the status of its complain. It has one Admin module where Admin can login and View all complaint details, assign the ..
Download Free Source Code For onlinebank I had uploaded “Online Banking project” in java around few years before on techzoo and it become an overnight hit post. It’s the most visited post on my blog and people (especially student) email me about it, ask queries about its setup, etc. To continue my efforts to provide ..
Online Auction management system is a project is developed in PHP and MySQL with the aim to develope a Online auction system where administrator of the site can login and add auction items so user can search and view details of auction items with images, address and auction date / time. It is one of ..
I have developed this project for a student few months before and now it’s a good time to share it. Its developed in PHP with javascript Spry framework used for form validate and TabPanel widget. Following are the features of Online Banking Project User Module: Multi-stage user authentication: User login using account number, password then ..
Music Library is a project developed in Java using Aqsa MVC framework to managed your digital music store. User can login/Register and create its own music library, add songs, request to upload songs to administrators. If he/she add any song, then admin can view and approved it. Most importantly, eMusic Library project is developed using ..
nline Complain Management is a Web based project developed in PHP/MySQL which used to manage Customer’s complain Online. User can login, and Create complain, view complain details and track the status of its complain. It has one Admin module where Admin can login and View all complaint details, assign the complain to specific Engineer to ..
It is one of my project which i have developed for a student around 4 year before and still in my XAMPP htdocs folder, so this sunday i got time to upload it to my blog. Following are the core feature of Online Auction Management Project. ADMIN: Login, View all auction item, update, delete any ..