Download Source Code – Complain-Management-System Online Complain Management is a Web based project developed in PHP/MySQL which used to manage Customer’s complain Online. User can login, and Create complain, view complain details and track the status of its complain. It has one Admin module where Admin can login and View all complaint details, assign the ..
Download Source Code here This project us used to convert PowerPoint slides (*.ppt files), Portable Document Format (PDF files) and PostScript format (*.ps files) into HTML. Project is developed in code java with some open source libraries used to convert file formats into HTML. I have used apache commons, fontbox, pdfbox, itext and ghost4j.jar files ..
Download Free Source Code For onlinebank I had uploaded “Online Banking project” in java around few years before on techzoo and it become an overnight hit post. It’s the most visited post on my blog and people (especially student) email me about it, ask queries about its setup, etc. To continue my efforts to provide ..
Download Source Code Here – alumini Today I am going to share one of my oldest projects I had created around years before when I was learning JSP/Servlet/ JDBC. I had created for a student who wants me to create a JSP project for his college level assignment. The main concept behind developing this assignment ..
Knowledge management is nothing but making available right knowledge to right peoples, in our project this peoples are students. The concept of this project is to share the knowledge among the students and admin using documents. Student can login and download documents which is been uploaded by other students. He can also upload documents (PPTs, ..
This is an Online Social Networking website application developed using Asp.Net and SQL Server. Here I have created basic functionalities of an online social networking web site. In this user can make his profile, post messages, search and manage friends etc. You will find database script in Database folder, just execute this script in you ..
The project has its application in the restaurants which needs less or no manpower. It is basically an automated ordering system wherein the customer’s order is placed directly in the kitchen by means of a screen fitted on his table and gets the food ready notification from the kitchen on his table. This not only ..
This project is developed in Java. It would be useful to simplify the task of creating individuals resume. The application is very easy to use and flexible, it reduces the need of thinking and designing an resume. The system is developed to provide an easy means for creating a professional looking resume. The person who ..
Online Auction management system is a project is developed in PHP and MySQL with the aim to develope a Online auction system where administrator of the site can login and add auction items so user can search and view details of auction items with images, address and auction date / time. It is one of ..
I have developed this project for a student few months before and now it’s a good time to share it. Its developed in PHP with javascript Spry framework used for form validate and TabPanel widget. Following are the features of Online Banking Project User Module: Multi-stage user authentication: User login using account number, password then ..