This is Survey of schools project developed in php to maintain the records of all schools and colleges in the state. Percentage of all schools and colleges are stored in the software. The number of grounds available in the each college, the sports materials and other equipment details will stored in the software. Details of ..
Student Information Management System is a student-level data collection system that allows the Department to collect and analyze more accurate and comprehensive information. Student information systems provide capabilities for entering student records, tracking student attendance, and managing many other student-related data needs in a college or university. Student Information Management System Handling inquiries from prospective ..
This is Online Workshop Software developed using php. This software mainly focuses on managing the vehicles and the sales activities. The customer is supposed to take an appointment for their vehicle to be serviced. At most first, the customer is supposed to register his/her name , their personal details including their contact no and email ..
E-Library Management System will deal in all the requirements needed for managing libraries. It will deal with the process of maintaining data about the books and many other things as well as transactions, which are taking place in the library with respect to the issue, return and renewal of the books. It helps the administrator ..
Online Social networking Script: This is an online project which can be used by using the data package. This software uses the PHP language and the records are saved in the MySQL database. This software is fun to use and is user friendly. It is an error free system. The user must register first to ..
Hostel management system in PHP: This is hostel management software where the all the details of the hostels are stored in this software. Developers have used PHP language to develop these types of projects. This software mainly used for the owners who having many hostels. Since the software is online the admin can view the details ..
Cricket Score Board: This project helpful in displaying Scores of each match and giving reports to the user. User can only view the scores. He/she neither has the authority to edit or delete the scores. User can add comments to the system. Admin is another user. He has the full authority over the system. He/she ..
Web Vehicle Agent : This is a web vehicle agent system software. where this types of software can used by the Agents who is going to send the second or any other old vehicles. Once if these types of software are installed in their system then it will be very useful to them. The user need ..
Online Career Guidance System is a web based application that can be accessed throughout the specified department to handle the various processes involved in Career Guidance system. The system may be used to automate the workflow of company recruitment process and their approvals. It lets the student apply for job recruitment via online also keeps tracks ..
Here we uploaded 24X7 Employee Association System Source Code which is developed using PHP and MySQL. This project we developed for 24X7 Bank which has many features. It keeps and stores all the brach employee records, Branch details, and designation details. Management can discuss in the Discussion Forum. Even they can publish latest News and announcements to their employees. This ..