Library System project in Java | free projects form BCA, MCA, BTech Students with Source Codes

  JAVA Projects

The primary objective of this library system project is to maintain the records of the books and various documents which are available under the library room and to maintain the database of the students who will take the services of their library campus. There will be different type of users who will use this system in order to perform processing task and other administrative task apart from the students. Students will be provided with two options while accessing this system and these two are: Login and Register. For the very first time users (student), they have to register by using this system and their account will be verified by the librarian.

Processing wok will be handled by the three layers which are tomcat server layer, application server layer which is jdbc odbc and the third one is database layer. Some of the default settings will be enforced while using the system such as listing of requested records in the ascending order and as per category wise. The primary objective of this enforcement is to make easy access to all information. The listing of books will be provided along with their front images with search and browse options. To display the exact location of books, a virtual mapping system has been implemented to find any book easily.

Existing System

Previously the system was not able to overcome from the problem of data redundancy which in turn increases the burden of background processing. All working departments were not integrated with each other, by which manual work has to be done to make all task done. Any students who have fined, they need to submit their library card for final billing and provide account pay slip to confirm their due fees. Due to this problem students were not free to take out books from library until they have cleared their dues.

Proposed System

In this new Library System project, the problem of forgetting password or facing problem while login has been resolved and will automatically handle by the system itself. Students will also able to take print out or download pages of particular book either in pdf or in xml format. One to one and one to many relationship has been implemented to eliminate the process of data redundancy and maintain consistency. An inbuilt function within this system will able to provide the entire day transactions for each end day which will improve the auditing process. The CMS part of the library system can be inserted with video lectures which can be accessed by the system or a private messages can be send to the students to make them inform about new books under the library room.
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