Goods Transport Management System Project in with free source codes

  ASP.NET Projects

Goods Transport Management System Project

Goods Transport Management System Project is a web based application which is useful for helping users to communicate with suppliers and get support through online. In existing system users should visit office to know about information but using this application we can get information through online.

Goods Transport Management System Modules Overview:

Suppliers Module:

This Module involves operations involving with a particular supplier.
    Register Module: – This Module perform registration process of new suppliers and store the given details to database.
    Login Module: – This module checks the entered supplier is exists in database or not. If the supplier is exist then perform administrator authentication module can invoke for permission.
    Products Module:-This module maintains processes on products database such as addition new products, delete existing products etc.,
Purchase Order Module:-This Module involves in processing the received purchase orders from buyers. This module contains operations to accept, suggestions or rejection of received purchase order.

Buyers Module:

This module contains processes on particular buyer.

Register Module: – This Module perform registration process of new buyers and store the given details to database.

Login Module: – This module checks the entered buyer is exists in database or not. If the buyer is exist then perform administrator authentication module can invoke for permission.

Purchase Order Module: – This Module involves in processing the Purchase Order operations like Create new Purchase Order, receiving Suggestion from Suppliers, send Confirmation to suppliers etc. This module contains operations to accept suggestions or rejection of received purchase order.

Message Module:

This module plays main role to establish online communication through this system between buyers, suppliers and administrator.
This module contains message composition, inbox to display messages and delete specified messages after reading the messages.

Search Module:

This Module contains operations to perform searching for products, suppliers, buyers whose satisfies particular condition. The buyer module contain

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