Cyber Cafe Billing System Project
Cyber cafe billing System Project is management software specially developed for internet centers for managing daily user’s details, billing information, machine records, rate settings, transaction details, machine records, new machine records and daily reports.
Cyber Cafe Billing System
Cyber Cafe Billing System Over view:
With the improvement of software technology and human resource in developing applications it has became easy for small business people to use software to manage their works. There are many fields where software can play important role. One among them are internet café centers.
Daily there are many users who are visiting internet café and at present manual methods are used for managing user details and billing management. In order to computerize this work cyber café management software is developed. Using this application we can manage all these works through online.
Modules Overview:
Admin is the main user who cans mange entire application he can add user, delete user, modify existing user. Admin will have profile where he can login to application. He can update password from his profile.
Daily Reports:
Using this module admin can look after hours consumed by users from last date to current date. This will help admin to analyze amount of consumption for each user.
Machine Records:
Each computer used in cyber café is given number which will be updated to this table with machine number, machine name, current status. When cabin is fixed to user current status is selected and under machine name ( com1 , com 2, ..etc ) is given. This details are updated using a machine records form.
New Machine Record:
This form will help admin to update new machine details to list. When new system is updated to café this module is used. These details will also update to machine records table.
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