school management VB project download

  VB.NET Projects

Developer Name

: abhigna patel

Project Name

: school management VB project download

Upload Date

: 2011-11-16

Project Language

: VB

Project Type

: desktop Application

Project Description


Free Download School management  project in VB

School management project in vb.
This is Desktop application in vb.
Database uses Micro soft Access.
In this application manages staff , student details.
also manage student results.
in this application two type of user one admin and second staff.
Admin manages staff details .
staff salary management.
School timetable and also manage teacher lecture time in week.
Also check teacher performance in lecture.
Staff manages Students details.
Add students and store student address and contact number of parents.
Students result management.Also check student performance compare to previous year.
Generate progress report about student.

school management system manage student records, teacher records, staff salary management

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