Mobile Bluetooth Business and Social Networking Project | Free Project Idea for students

  Projects Ideas

Mobile Bluetooth Business and Social Networking

To build a system that helps the people do business, make friends, enables them to handle emergency situations more easily in real time. Such a system will make the people aware of the people living around them enabling them for better opportunities in life.

Technology Used in Mobile Bluetooth Business and Social Networking Project

  •     Visual Basic
  •     Active Server Pages

Platform Used

  •     Windows

Software and Hardware Requirements

  •     Visual Studio 6.0
  •     Oracle 8i with SQL* plus
  •     IIS server
  •     Pentium 4
  •     Ethernet Adapter
  •     128 MB RAM

Mobile Bluetooth Business and Social Networking Project Description

To create a system that will help people know each other better that can help them in emergency as well as happy situations. The system will make the users aware about the people living around them by exchanging their profiles with others and making matches as per the users preference using the Bluetooth technology.

The system aims at providing good human interaction and at the same time will protect the users identity by taking precautions to check that the users identity is not compromised into wrong hands. The mobile software will follow the required simulated Bluetooth protocol and even use the HTTP protocol to send server requests to fulfill users needs.
This System consists

A central web server for users to view matches, edit their profile and configure their device
A central database storing all web server transactions
A mobile phone Bluetooth application that matches users through the Bluetooth protocol, stores Member ID’s and synchronizes matches and device configuration via HTTP

The system will consist of a central web server holding all the users and their details including password, photos, personal profile and phone configuration settings.
Procedure in Mobile Bluetooth Business and Social Networking

First of all, the user will sign up online.
Then the user will install the software on their mobile.
The mobile device will then keep on searching for another device with same software.
Once the mobiles come in contact they will exchange profiles and create a match as per set user preferences.
The mobile device can be synchronized with the server to update the database.
Once the user logs on to the internet he can view new matched id’s and start messaging with the new contacts.

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