Final Year Project on Web Issue manager

  Projects Ideas

Final Year Project on Web Issue-manager Web Issue-manager for distributed teams
Project Definition
“ Web Issue-manager for distributed teams “
Final year Project Statement
Issue Manager is a web-based application designed to help a workgroup keep track of issues and tasks via a shared central resource. The data is stored centrally on the server, which make it specially suitable for distributed teams who can use just the web browser to access it. No local software needs to be installed on the client and all web browsers are supported.
Brief Description of Final year Project
Strategic issue management is the responsibility of the entire organization. That responsibility crosses all units and all reporting lines. It is the external component of strategic management.
This issue management framework involves three functions:

  •     Gathering/Monitoring intelligence and information
  •     Analyzing the information and classifying the issue
  •     Taking action and evaluating the results

Issues are events that occur outside the control of an organization and that may require the organization to take action.
For effective strategic management , issues need to be classified and ranked.
Classification determines whether the problem is internal pr external and routes it accordingly
Ranking determines the priority order for dealing with and expending resources on an issue.
The purpose of the issue resolution process is to provide a mechanism for organizing ,maintaining and tracking the resolution of issues that cannot be resolved at the “individual” level. The approach consists of issue control mechanism and a well definied Process that enables the project team to identify ,address and prioritize problems and issues. All action items will be tracked until they are resolved.
The issue Manager will report on all open issues at the weekly status meetings. If the list of issues is too long only the new issues will be discussed. At times, it may be advisable to pre-distribute issues information so that the project status group can review the material before the meeting.When the issue of problem has been resolved and verified , the actual date problem was resolved and an approval signature complete the issue resolution process, and the issue is Closed.
System Requirement

  • Platform:- Windows
  • Software Requirement
  • IIS
  • Microsoft access
  • .NET Framework SDK Beta2/ASP.NET Premium Edition Beta2
  •  Winzip or similar program

Hardware Requirement:

  •     Local area network configuration

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