Vehicle Traffic Management & Control System VB CSE Final Year Project With Code

  JAVA Projects

The Vehicle Traffic Management & Control System VB CSE Final Year Project has three basic components, which are

  1. Image Grabbing from the camera
  2. Processing the images
  3. Store and alert mechanisms

1. Image grabbing from the camera:

This particular module involves:

  • A Digital Camera
  • A driver for camera
  • Java Media Framework

The module continuously monitors and grabs the images of a lane and stores them in 8-bit JPEG format. The camera is a Charge Coupled Device Camera (CCDC). The CCDC is a digital camera whose output is a video stream. As the output is digital the stream data can directly be fed into the computer.

        For this module to work the camera driver need to be installed before. The Java Media Framework needs the driver to be installed as the JMF using query mechanism with driver. The JMF creates an object of type player, which is used for grabbing images. After grabbing images, the raw image is stored in buffer. The raw data is converted into image and then converted into 8-bit image. The 8-bit image is encoded into the JPEG format and is stored into the disk.

Processing the images:

        The purpose of this component is to compare the images acquired and say whether, there is significant change. If the change crosses the threshold that has been defined based on the observations made on lane that the camera should monitor then the algorithm generates an alert.

This particular component involves the following operations on the image

  • Image Sensing and Acquisition
  • Image Sampling and Quantization
  • Grey level and color enhancement
  • Convolution and Correlation
  • Image Enhancing in Spatial Domain
  • Neighborhood and Geometric operations
  • Segmentation

This particular module takes the images stored in the database and samples such that the image is suitable for the operations that can be performed on the image.

 After it has been made compatible to the format of the algorithms the image is enhanced using the Grey level operations on the image since there is every possibility that noise can get introduced into the image captured by the camera due various reasons such as thunder bolt, software or hardware problems, by faults in the image setup etc since the image captured should be utilized to the maximum and for the sake of the clarity in the picture we cannot sacrifice the precious time in our hands.

 Convolution helps enhancing the image in the same domain. Once the image meets the standards desired. Correlation algorithms can be applied on the images to see whether there sufficient change in the images captured.


Here Segmentation comes to our aid in segmenting the images into various regions. The regions are the components that are actually taken into the consideration while comparing the images. Since the whole image, if taken for the comparison then even a small change in the light component any where in the image, then the algorithm used says that there is significant change in the image even though in practice there is no significant change in the images captured according to our requirements.

Store and Alert Mechanisms:

     This module is responsible for two tasks:

  • Store the information into data base
  • If there is a traffic jam then sending info to the control room(not implemented)

 The Data Base Management that we are using in Oracle. In the database the image information is stored.

The information include

  • Timestamp of the image
  • File name
  • Drive where images are stored

                  Using the JDBC the images are retrieved by embedding the SQL statements. The driver that is using is ODBC. Using file name and driver name the images are retrieved. The images are deferred using timestamp that is associated with each image.

                 If there is a traffic jam the second module generates the alert message. The alert message is sent to the control room using TCP/IP networking model. The Java Networking component sends the “Traffic Jam Detected” message to the control room and also sends the URL of the image to the control room. In control room the traffic status can be viewed by using this URL, if necessary

Hardware specifications:

The H/W requirements for the system are:

  • PIII Processor with 256MB RAM
  • 10 GB HDD
  • USB camera to take a pictures with coverage of 100mts
  • LAN card
  • Server with WINDOWS NT 4.0 WORKSTATION
  • Client for Image Processing

Software specifications:

The S/W requirements for the system are:

  • Windows 2000
  • Java2SDK 1.4
  • Java Media Framework (JMF) 1.4
  • ORACLE 8i for database engineering
  • Camera drivers 

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