Online Vehicle Workshop – Download free PHP Projects – MCA, BCA, Btech, IT students

  PHP Projects

This is Online Workshop Software developed using php. This software mainly focuses on managing the vehicles and the sales activities. The customer is supposed to take an appointment for their vehicle to be serviced. At most first, the customer is supposed to register his/her name , their personal details including their contact no and email id. Next they arr supposed to enter their vehicle information. As soon as they take an appointment, an appointment number will be given to them included with the date and time of the vehicle service. This will be generated by the automated system. The receptionist will note down this appointment number and on that particular day, the number will be verified with the customer.

A unique password and username will be given to the other employee working. The software also provides for sales activity. Any spare parts can be sold by the company and a separate bill will be generated to the customer. Reports like monthly income, expense, sold items, serviced vehicles can be viewed. The user will spend less time and the person working will also spend less time rather than paper work.

This software is error free. Anyone can use this software . you can download this software by clicking on download below. So use this software and get more benefit from from this. If have any doubts then post your doubts below.

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Project title: Online Vehicle Workshop


Processor                          :  Dual core and above

RAM                                 :  1 GB and above

Hard Disk Utilization       :  40 GB and above

Input Devices                    :  Mouse, Keyboard, etc

Output Devices                 :  Monitor, Printer, etc


Software requirements are:

Operating System: Any

Server: Xampp Apache Server

Front-end: PHP 5.2

Back-end: MySQL Server 5.1.1

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