IEEE Java Project topics – free download JAVA Projects with full source Code – BCA MCA BTech, BSc Students

  JAVA Projects

We provide all types of student projects in IEEE java. Download latest IEEE Java Project topics for BE, CSE and IT engineering students.

SL  No. Project title
1  Distributed Collaborative Key Agreement and Authentication Protocols for Dynamic Peer Groups
2  Detecting and Resolving Firewall Policy Anomalies
3  A Bidirectional Routing Abstraction for Asymmetric Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
4  Mobile Relay Configuration in Data-intensive Wireless Sensor Networks.
5  A Geometric Approach to Improving Active Packet Loss Measurement
6  A New, Efficiet Coordinated Checkpointing Protocol combined with Selective Sender – Based Message Logging
7  A Precise Termination Condition of the Probabilistic Packet Marking Algorithm
8  A Signature-Based Indexing Method for Efficient Content-Based Retrieval of Relative Temporal Path
9  A wireless Intrusion detection system and a new attack model
10  Dynamic Heterogeneity-Aware Resource Provisioning in the Cloud.
11  Open source project management tools
12  Storage management in the peer-to-peer storage utility
13  Agent Based Intrusion Detection, Response and Blocking using signature method in Active Net
14  An Acknowledgment-Based Approach For The Detection Of Routing Misbehavior In MANETs
15  An Efficient Association Rule Mining Algorithm In Distributed Databases
16  ANGEL Enhancing the Utility of Generalization For Privacy Preserving Publication
17  Application of BPCS Steganography to wavelet compressed video
18  ATM Networks and Intelligent Packet Filtering
19  Cloud-Based Video Recommendation System with User behavior Monitoring.
20  Bandwidth Estimation for IEEE -Based Ad Hoc Networks
21  Benefit Based Data Caching In Ad Hoc Networks
22  Capturing Router Congestion and Delay
23  Clustering and Sequential Pattern Mining of Online Collaborative Learning Data
24  Computation Efficient Multicast Key Distribution
25  Constructing Inter-Domain Packet Filters to Control IP
26  Continuous Monitoring of Spatial Queries in Wireless Broadcast
27  Controlling IP Spoofing Through Inter Domain Packet Filters
28  Controlling IP Spoofing through Inter domain Packet Filters
31  Data leakage detection ()
32  DCMP – A distributed Cycle Minimization Protocol for Peer to Peer Networks
35  Detection of Application Layer DDOS Attack using Hidden Semi Markov Model ()
36  Distributed cache updating for the Dynamic source routing protocol
37  Distributed cache updating for the Dynamic source routing protocol
38  Distributed cache updating of dynamic source routing protocol
39  Distributed Database Architecture for Global Roaming in Next-Generation Mobile Networks
40  Dual-Link Failure Resiliency through Backup Link Mutual Exclusion
41  Dual-Link Failure Resiliency through Backup Link Mutual Exclusion
42  Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Systems in the presence of Delays
43  Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Systems in the Presence of Delays : A Regeneration Theory Approach
44  Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Systems in the presence of delays  A regeneration theory Approach
45  Dynamic Routing with Security Considerations
46  Effective Transmission of Data through RBPH for Group Communication
47  Effects of Location Awareness on Concurrent Transmissions for Cognitive Ad Hoc Networks Overlaying Infrastructure
48  Effects of Location Awareness on Concurrent Transmissions for Cognitive Ad Hoc Networks Overlaying Infrastructure-Based Systems
49  Efficient and Secure Content Processing and Distribution by Cooperative Intermediaries
50  Efficient Key Agreement for Large and Dynamic Multicast Groups
51  Efficient Packet Marking for Large-Scale IP Trace back
52  Energy-Efficient SINR-Based Routing for Multihop Wireless
53  EnergyMaps For Mobile Wireless networks coherence Time Versues Spreding Period
54  Evaluating the Vulnerability of Network Traffic Using Joint Security and Routing Analysis
56  Face recognition for smart interactions
57  Face Recognition Using Laplacianfaces
58  Gradient Vector Force – A new External Force for Snakes
59  Identification of Humans Using Gait
60  Image Transformation using Grid
61  Image Transport Protocol ITP
63  Incremental deployment service of Hop by hop multicast routing protocol
64  Intrusion Detection in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
65  Large Connectivity for Dynamic Random Geometric Graphs
66  Layered Approach Using Conditional Random Fields for Intrusion Detection ()
67  Learning in an Ambient Intelligent World Enabling Technologies and Practices
68  Locating Friends and Family Using Mobile Phones With GPS
69  Location Based Spatial Query Processing In Wireless Broadcast Environments
70  Lord of the Links – A framework for discovering missing links in the internet topology
71  Measuring Capacity Bandwidth of Targeted Path Segments
72  Minimizing File Download Time in Stochastic Peer-to-Peer Networks
73  Mitigating Performance Degradation in Congested Sensor Networks
74  Mitigating Selective Forwarding Attacks with a Channel-Aware Approach in WMNs
75  Mitigation OF Controll Channel Jamming Under Node Caputer Attacks
76  Mobile Agents In a Distributed Multimedia Database System
77  Mobility Management Approaches for Mobile IP Networks
78  Modeling & Automated Containment of Worms
79  Multiple Routing Configurations for Fast IP Network Recovery
80  Multiple Sequence alignment using Genetic Algorithm
81  Network Border Patrol Preventing Congestion Collapse
82  Node Isolation Model and Age-Based Neighbor Selection in Unstructured PP Networks
83  Noise Reduction by Fuzzy Image Filtering
84  Novel Defense Mechanism against Data Flooding Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
85  Novel Secure Communication Protocol for Ad Hoc networks
86  OCGRR – A New Scheduling Algorithm for Differentiated Services Networks
87  ODAM An Optimized Distributed Association Rule Mining Algorithm
88  One To Many Distribution Using Recursive Unicast Trees
89  Online Handwritten Script Recognition
90  Online Index Recommendations for High-Dimensional Databases Using Query Workloads
91  Optimal Server Bandwidth Allocation Among Multiple PP Multicast Live Video Streaming Sessions
92  PAM : An Efficient and Privacy-Aware Monitoring Framework for Continuously Moving Objects
93  Peer to Peer Messaging System
94  PEER-TO-PEER (PP) networks
95  Performance of a Speculative Transmission Scheme for Scheduling-Latency Reduction
96  Personal Authentication Using -D Finger Geometry
97  Predictive Job Scheduling in a Connection Limited System using Parallel Genetic Algorithm
98  Protection of Database Security via Collaborative Inference Detection
99  QUIVER Consistent Object Sharing For Edge Services
100  Randomized Protocol for Duplicate Elimination in Peer-to-Peer Storage System

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