Dataware House

  Projects Ideas

Final Year PROJECT
“DATA WAREHOUSE”: An Implementation ,Supporting Decision making And Report Generation   

We have implemented an interactive report generation that supports decision making for the client regarding there performance. Following is the architecture of the prototype that is being implemented:

Tools used to implement this are as follows:

1. SQL SERVER 2000 Ent Edition: It is used to implement the data warehouse which acts as data repository to which data is supplied from all the data sources. It is the offline data base that is updated as per the schedule defined by the administrator.
2. SQL Analysis SERVER: It hosts the OLAP server which contains the multidimensional data that is used by the client for generating the reports based on his queries submitted to it.
3. Microsoft Inter Development Environment: Used for creating the Front end Which is the basic GUI an d the reports generated are also displayed using this tool. .

1. BACKUP: Standby server is implemented for the main data ware house repository.
2. E-mail compatibility using the exchange server.
3. Security: Is defined as per the specifications on the SQL SERVER 2000 and Windows 200 server family.



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