Short Course Management System is mini student project developed using java programming language. All the student and course record stores in the database. This project has modules of students, Admission, class wise admissions, course details, package details, etc. Using The Software … Fig. 1: Main Menu Fig.1 depicts a screen grab of the main menu ..
Category : JAVA Projects
The Objective of this Project is to develop Car Sales System, which allows the user to enter Car Details. For this the user need to access the Car Sales System application. Only user can able to access to enter the details of Cars. The maintenance of these details comes in to the task of administrator where he ..
College Enrollment System is very neatly designed project developed by students of STI College. It has modules of admission system and student management system. This software is very helpfull to manage admission details. Java is the front end of this project and Microsoft Access Driver is the back-end of this project. Project Description: It has 6 ..
The Online shopping cart allows customers to purchase items through online by placing the items in the shopping cart. This is a reliable, secure shopping site developed using JSP.Using this software, companies can improve the efficiency of their services. This allows users to make payment through online. The customer must add all the products in ..
Project title: HR Group Recruitment System Front End: JSP Back End: Access Download project so..
Project title: GSM Based Billing System Software requirements: Interface : HTML, CSS Client-side Scripting : JavaScript Programming Language : Java Web Applications : JDBC, JNDI, STRUTS IDE/Workbench : Eclipse with MyEclipse Plug-in Database : Oracle/Access Server Deployment : WebShpere/Tomcat Download project so..
Project title: Events Management System Front End: JSP Back End: Access Download project so..
Project title: Classified site script Front End: JSP Back End: Access Download project so..
Project title: Travel Ticket booking System Front End: JSP Back End: Access Download project so..
Project title: Employee Task Manager Front End: JSP Back End: Access Download project s..