24X7 Bank Employee Association System – Download free PHP Projects with source codes

  PHP Projects

Here we uploaded 24X7 Employee Association System Source Code which is developed using PHP and MySQL. This project we developed for 24X7 Bank which has many features. It keeps and stores all the brach employee records, Branch details, and designation details. Management can discuss in the Discussion Forum. Even they can publish latest News and announcements to their employees. This is very helpful for bank employees as well as management.

This project developed under waterfall model each phase of the project must be completed fully before starting next phase.  We collected some basic requirements from the bank and its association. According to their requirements we developed this project. Kindly refer synopsis to know more about this project.

24X7 Bank Employee Association System

Project Front End: PHP 5.2

Project Back End: MySQL 5.5.32

Project extension: php

No. of Pages: 42 pages

No. of Tables: 10

What do you need to run this project?

Install XAMPP with Apache and MySQL Database Server

IDE : Adobe Dreamweaver or Notepad++

Steps to configure this Project?

Kindly follow these steps properly to install and configure this project.

  1. Download the project. Download link is there in the bottom.
  2. Kindly install winzip or winrar to your pc to extract this project. If already installed then extract the .rar project file.
  3. Copy all the files under xampp -> htdocs folder
  4. The database backup is there in the DatabaseBackup folder. In the browser goto http://localhost/phpmyadmin.
  5. Create new Database employee_association then import employee_association.sql database.
  6. Configure database connection in dbconnection.php

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